Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow Day

Today David and I had half days due to the weather. We were really excited to spend the day in with Benjamin. However, he really wanted to go outside and play in the snow. He kept pounding on the door.
We've been practicing on walking and talking. He says ba ba ba real well (that is actually the only thing he says ALL the time). We are trying the ma ma ma and da da da, secretly I have been trying Cocoa also. He has been pushing himself up onto things by himself for a couple weeks now and in the past week he has decided to master crawling up the steps on his own. Today he took a couple steps along the ottoman all on his own.  Here are some more pics of our fun snow day.

When do they stop growing up so fast?


  1. Oh my gosh, he's going to be walking in no time!!

    1. I just told David last night that I hope he is walking by Easter. Wouldn't that be so much fun?!

  2. I think Easter is a definite possibility and to answer your question, they never stop growing up so fast. :)
