Friday, April 17, 2015


This past Tuesday we took Benjamin to the dentist for the first time and he did great! He was so good that the dentist even said he was the past patient at that age. She would ask to see his teeth and he would just open his mouth up big. She was able to check for cavities, brush his teeth and floss them. He was really excited about his new toothbrush that he even asks to use it in the morning.

I was concerned about him sucking his fingers and she said let him do it and its not a problem as he may need braces but it doesn't hurt anything else. We have been telling him that when his sister arrives he will be the big brother and big brothers don't suck there fingers. Let's see how that goes...

Grants Farm

Last weekend Grant's Farm opened for the season and of course we were there! It was beautiful outside so there was a little wait and we even got there within an hour of it opening. St. Louis Cardinals Fredbird even stopped by and Benjamin got to give him a high-five.

Most importantly, we got our parking pass so if anyone needs to borrow it please ask!


A couple weeks ago we took Benjamin to Myseum which gears towards science. It reminds me of the Magic House buy a lot smaller. We still had a blast and learned some interesting things.
This was by far his favorite