Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Camera!!

This past weekend we had decided to buy a new camera since our other one broke (we need to capture all these moments) so we made our way out to Best Buy. Thanks to his Mimi, Benjamin got to use his new shopping cart cover to keep all the germs away so we didn't have to hold him the entire time. It even came with a pillow which Benjamin actually used because he got tired of Daddy stressing about spending money.

The best news is that Best Buy sometimes has open items on their shelves and we get a new camera for half the price, but with our experiences we for sure got the 3 year protection plan. So everyone please be prepared to have a lot of photos coming your way once we learn how to use it.


  1. Yeah for a new camera! Can't wait to see lots of pictures!

  2. "It even came with a pillow which Benjamin actually used because he got tired of Daddy stressing about spending money." HAhahaha! I literally laughed out loud. Congratulations! Which camera do you guys buy?

    1. A sony something, I would have to read the box. It's really nice and fancy!

    2. Megan I was just going to type the same thing, haha!!
