Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Charlotte Rose Carlson

Charlotte Rose Carlson was born on May 30, 2015 at 7:09pm. Weighing 7lbs 8oz, measuring 20 inches long. She was perfect!

She came a couple days early and how she arrived was a little dramatic OR mommy trying to squeeze a bunch of things in last minute before her arrival. It might have been the second option. I woke up in the middle of the night with contractions but didn’t know what to do because my doctor and I never talked about it; we both thought that we would go to my scheduled C-section date. David and I carried on our day with the contractions getting closer and closer. I had decided to take a shower and go get a pedicure but I never got a pedicure because when I got out of the shower I couldn’t even move nor walk. The contractions were about four minutes apart and so painful.

I called my mom, Maw-Maw, to come get Benjamin and she informed me that she was playing cards and that I needed to call my dad. WHAT?!?!? Clearly she has her priorities in order. We got a hold of my dad who took Benjamin as we speed off to the hospital. It was like the movies! David was speeding down the highway, I was screaming every curse word I could think of while I clawed his arm off. Longest car ride EVER. David flew into the hospital parking lot and jumped out of the car to rush in to get someone to get a wheel chair because I thought that I was having a baby in the car. They looked at David like he was crazy and moved at snail pace because clearly they have been here a time or two. After I got admitted they asked when my water broke and I informed them it didn’t (but had to go to the bathroom every three minutes). They told me my water had broken and I was 8cm dilated, whoa! They asked if I wanted to VBAC and I was just screaming and cursing for the drugs since I was really afraid I wasn’t going to get any at this point. Long story short she arrived 40 minutes after we arrived at the hospital and that was even waiting for the doctor to get there, which he had a talking to me about not waiting to last minute next time.

Let me just finish this story by saying that Charlotte is still dramatic so it might have been option one from the beginning.

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