Wednesday, February 7, 2018


I never considered myself a runner, I always said that I was a jogger. I want to be a runner but I think my short legs just can't go that fast. I signed up in a Snowball Series race that was a different distance at a different park for every five races. I did it to stay motivated through the winter (even though winter has finally hit us) but what was the best motivation was David's cousin's wife, Brittney Carlson, signed up with me. What a great support system! We stuck with it and finished all of them except one (which in our defense it was like 5 degrees and we were all afraid of getting know what happens when mommy gets sick).

This past Saturday was the last race and it was through Kirkwood, which I love so it was a good run despite the wind. I am sad the series is over, however I have already signed up for two more races which one is through Grant's Farm and then some free beer at the end...score!