Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Max Alexander Haupt

Max Alexander Haupt was born on October 18th at 7:47pm, weighing 7lbs 14oz and measuring 20" long. Can't wait to meet the little guy!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkinland at Thies Farm

This past Sunday we went pumpkin picking with the Martin's at Thies Farm out in Maryland Heights and boy did we find a jackpot. This place was perfect for the kids. I think we could of spent hours there but Benjamin was getting tired. For a small fee you got to go in the pumpkinland which had a corn maze, wagon ride, slides, haunted house, swings, zip lining, and petting zoo. They had a separate area for pumpkin picking, which Benjamin loved!
Fireman to the rescue!


more dada!

let's not upset mommy with our height!

big truck!


found my pumpkin!


Benjamin: "Back up off my pumpkin Ken!"

Kennedy: "I will put you in a choke hold for it baby Benjamin! Arf Arf!"

Museum of Transportation - take 2

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sunday Funday

The family went to a couple different parks on Sunday to enjoy the perfect weather, probably the last before winter since the temperature is dropping these days. Benjamin loves running around and away from you so it was hard to get some good shots, but here are a couple good ones.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Halloween at Grant's Farm

Last Thursday the whole gang (minus the Jokerst) went to Grant's Farm to celebrate Halloween. David and I have never gone for Halloween so we were really excited and it didn't disappoint. We got to take a a ride through the park in the dark (well sunset), we got to feed the goats, they had a magic show, they had a DJ in the tier garden, and you still got two free beers. It was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures of our fun (didn't get to many as Benjamin is starting to be a real boy)...

What does the horse say?

Great Mama and Great Papa got Benjamin a rocking horse that makes horse sounds and wags it's tail for his birthday and has been afraid to sit on it or go near it. From a distance he would laugh at it when it makes the horse sounds, but the other day he actually sat on it (only for a minute and then wanted off).

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Eating Habits

Well, well,well...everyone dreams of their child eating good but do the kids end up eating the way they dream it? I literally stress most days about what to feed Benjamin that it is so exhausting at night I sometimes just end up eating a bowl of cereal. Between feeding him dinner and then packing his breakfast and lunch for the next day I am spent. You just want to make sure your feeding your kid the best you can.

Our child eats OK to poorly. Some days he eats everything in sight and some days he will eat nothing, I blame those days on teething. By far the most frustrating thing with eating is him throwing everything. He throws his food, utensils, and even his milk cup. Me being the clean freak I am it is probably more hard on me then Benjamin, but after some research I came up with a plan. Once he throws something I explain that we eat our food or we use our utensils to eat with and we don't throw it. If he does it a second time I take him down from his chair and tell him that he is done eating if he is only going to play. My mom and grandparents started doing this also and I can tell its working a little bit...and I mean a little bit. Let's hope over time it does work because all the research I did this was the most highly recommended option. "They" all said a kid will eat when they are hungry and if the kid is not hungry they play with it. Guess we will see...

Benjamin goes through phases of favorite foods. Right now it is cauliflower, oyster crackers, and organic pouches. Last week it was macaroni n cheese, corn, and animal crackers. Next week who knows as long as he eats, right? The one thing that is consistent is his love for water. He will choose water over anything which is OK, but he still has to get a certain amount of milk in a day.

The one thing that is getting easier with his eating habits is his communication (or pointing). Just like his father, when he is hungry he is really crabby and nothing will be good enough for him. If we ask him now if he is hungry or thirsty he runs to the refrigerator and he points to what he wants (not really using his words but we always explain to him multiple times to use his words and tries to say it after us). One word he does use is "mor" which is really helpful because then I know that he is still hungry. Now we need to work on is "all finished"...maybe this will get him to stop throwing.

Another thing that he does which is cute is when we ask him if he is hungry and wants to eat he runs to his chair and tries to climb in it...soon he will be tall enough to do so. Here is a cute pic of him trying to get in his chair.