Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow Day

Today David and I had half days due to the weather. We were really excited to spend the day in with Benjamin. However, he really wanted to go outside and play in the snow. He kept pounding on the door.
We've been practicing on walking and talking. He says ba ba ba real well (that is actually the only thing he says ALL the time). We are trying the ma ma ma and da da da, secretly I have been trying Cocoa also. He has been pushing himself up onto things by himself for a couple weeks now and in the past week he has decided to master crawling up the steps on his own. Today he took a couple steps along the ottoman all on his own.  Here are some more pics of our fun snow day.

When do they stop growing up so fast?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Butterfly House

Two weekends ago we made it out to the Butterfly House in Chesterfield with Benjamin's friend Kennedy. We had so much fun on a cold, rainy Sunday morning, however it was 95 degrees inside with the butterflies so if you ever decide to go please dress accordingly. There are over 60 butterfly species and over 150 tropical plants. Here are a couple that I caught with my new camera

Kennedy LOVES Benjamin and all she wanted to do was hold his hand, they are so cute.

They had this beautiful waterfall so we took advantage.



New Floor...Maybe?

So, David let me get the carpet and the kitchen floors cleaned. I didn't take a before and after of the carpet but I sure did with the kitchen floors. Here is the before picture.
I really didn't think they looked that bad, do you? It's almost like the grout is suppose to look like that right? WRONG. Here is the after picture.
It's like a brand new floor, even the tile looks better.

David and I both feel much better letting Benjamin crawl all around on these floors now which he crawls straight to the dog bowl...gross! Guess now I need to convince David that we need a new one of those also. Will is ever stop with me??

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sick Baby

Our little man is sick for the first time and he isn't even phased by it. He has this deep cough and sneezes snot all the time. I knew something was bothering him a couple days ago when he didn't want to eat or drink that much for two days straight. Let's just hope that it doesn't last that long.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Parents as Teachers

Last night we had our first parents as teachers meeting and it went well. Benjamin, of course, was on his best behavior and did grand until the end when he was getting hungry. The only thing she suggested was to start trying a sippy cup. She was impressed with how well he stands while leaning on things and picking up food on his own and putting it in his mouth (Benjamin will never pass up food). She left us with some handouts on how he will develop over the next couple months and things to do with him. So overall what we learned was pretty much nothing and not to schedule it during his dinner time. HA!

Every baby is different and develops at their own pace so I really don't know how beneficial this will be at this stage, but it is a free service so we will continue to use it. Maybe my thoughts will change after a couple sessions. Maybe?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Apple of my Eye!

Benjamin and my mom met David and I for lunch today at Bread Co. While we were eating our lunches he reached for my apple and tried to eat it.

8 Months Old

Benjamin turned 8 months old yesterday!

He is developing so much like David and I. Front profile he looks like me, side profile he looks like David. Height and weight is just like David. I would like to say his smartness is from me :) He has this serious face that he uses when he is really thinking about something (deciding if he likes it or not) or meeting someone new, his daddy is so serious all the time. When he drinks his bottles he now plays with his hair, just like his mommy (no I don't drink out of bottles unless it is a wine bottle). This is not a trait that I am proud of and am working hard to stop playing with my hair around him. He is a prefect combination of David and I.

As for milestones, he now crawls with is hands and not his forearms. Unless he is after Cocoa, he uses his forearms because he is much faster that way. He loves to stand and lean on things and recently he started crawling up onto things on his own. He loves to crawl up the stairs so we are going to be getting a gate this weekend. He is showing signs of wanting to walk so we are going to start working on that. He has started eating more solid food, but his favorite is this pear, applesauce that I made (put them together because I added to much water at first), yogurt, and eggs. He loves all my homemade food especially the veggies. We try not to give him to much fruit. He is not a fan of avocado and cottage cheese, we will try to reintroduce them again of course since David and I love both of these foods.

We taught Benjamin how to wave and it is the cutest thing ever! We always wave "hi" and "bye" to him and he just started doing it the other day. When we go into his room in the morning he waves to us and then laughs, he seriously melts my heart. Speaking of laughing, lately it has been really hard changing his diaper because he moves so much. The other day I had to use my firm voice at him to hold still (wiggle, wiggle, wiggle) and he looked at me and then laughed, guess we are going to have our hands full. We are working on clapping and giving air kisses. If you recommended any other cute tricks let me know!

He has is 9 month check up on March 8th so we will see what other fun things he does from now until then. We are waiting for some warm weather as Benjamin loves to be outside going for walks, well a stroll! Until then...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Jacob's Birthday Party

This past weekend we had a road trip to Columbia, MO for Jacob's 4th birthday party which was at Flipz USA. We all had a blast! Benjamin did so well and LOVED crawling around everywhere and playing with all the colorful bouncing balls. This one was his favorite and he would chase it around everywhere and then use it to help him stand up.